Akurra Tour Near Completion

The official opening of the Akurra Trail will be held on Tuesday 22nd June at 10 am at the trail starting point (near the hospital walkway). Please join us in celebration of this fantastic collaborative effort, more details to follow. After the official opening, it is planned for older students and interested adults to walk part of the trail returning for a celebration bbq luncheon.
And lots more…
- SATC Visit
- Upcoming events
- Copley Community Hall Opening Celebration
- Leigh Creek Transformation Update
- ANZAC Services at Farina
- SA Water Pipeline Works
- Leigh Creek Mine Works Update
Staff from the Destination Development team at SATC visited Leigh Creek recently. Leah Rusby and Mark Phelps along with Jeremy Carn from RDA Far North met with Tracy Neldner, Darryl Bowshire and Breyten Ward whilst in town. It was a great opportunity to discuss the plans for Leigh Creek from a tourism perspective, and the opportunities the region has to offer including Aroona Dam, new walking and cycling trails. The SATC is currently updating the 20 Things to See & Do in Leigh Creek map and will supply the Visitor Centre with stock of this map shortly.
The SATC has a $20m Tourism Industry Development Fund (TIDF) that operators can apply for to assist in new or upgraded tourism products and experiences. Mark and Leah visited a couple of successful TIDF projects including the Bentleys Cabin Park in Port Augusta, the Prairie Hotel and Flinders Food Co in Hawker, visit www.tourism.sa.gov.au/support/tourism-industry-development-fund for more information or to apply.
Also a timely reminder for any events in the region, please ensure that they are registered on the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) which provides a free listing on the www.southaustralia.com website.
When posting your great images of the region remember to tag the team at the SATC by using @southaustralia and #seesouthaustralia.
2021 Upcoming Events
All events are subject to COVID 19 restriction requirements at the time of the event
Friday to Sunday 18 – 20 June – Farina
Weekend events including the official opening of Patterson House, annual Cricket match, Bell Memorial Ecumenical Church Service and a flyover.
For further details https://farinarestoration.com/?na=v&nk=865fab5008873&id=35
Tuesday 22nd June 10am Official opening of the Akurra Trail
Sunday 27th June 500 miles of Music – Leigh Creek Town Oval
Further information and ticket bookings can be made through https://www.moshtix.com.au/v2/event/500miles-of-music-leigh-creek-kaseychambers/117427#
Wednesday 20th October Flinders Family Fun Day – Leigh Creek Stadium and Oval
Further details to be announced. If you have an event that you would like to be included in this calendar please call Tracy on (08) 8675 2126
LC News - April 2021 - email version