Leigh Creek News – February 2022

Let’s talk about the future of Leigh Creek

The Outback Communities Authority (OCA) invites your participation in a Community Workshop to discuss the future of Leigh Creek and identify options for an improved township management arrangement for Leigh Creek. Thank you to everyone who dropped in for a chat with Jeanette Gellard, Innovative Influences about the future of Leigh Creek. Unfortunately, the Community Workshop had to be rescheduled due to the emergence of COVID in the community.

The new workshop details are:

When: 6.30pm – 8.30pm Wednesday 23 March
Where: Leigh Creek Church – Community Room
Light refreshments will be available.

There will also be a number of drop in sessions where you can chat to Jeanette in person when she is here. Jeanette will set up a ‘Conversation Corner’ in the shopping precinct during her visit so keep an eye out for her.

An online questionnaire can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LeighCreekFuture where you can share your views if you are unable to attend the workshop. A list of ideas about what would make Leigh Creek vibrant and sustainable into the future has also been generated at http://www.allourideas.org/LeighCreekFuture

You can add your ideas as well as indicating which ideas you prefer most. This will help us better understand where the community’s priorities lie. We look forward to your involvement in one or more of our planned engagement activities.

Contact us
Outback Communities Authority
Leigh Creek Office
E: oca@sa.gov.au
Phone: (08) 8675 2126

Download the PDF Newsletter for lots more.

LC News - February 2022 - email

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