Katie's Place
This Leigh Creek holiday home is an ideal place to stay, use it as a base while visiting other attractions in the area. Available for private and company single or group bookings.
Phone: 0402 134 430

Leigh Creek Outback Resort
Hotel & Motel Rooms and Cabins
Phone: (08) 8675 2025
Email: info@leighcreekresort.com.au

Leigh Creek Caravan park
RV & Caravan Park with Cabins, powered sites and camping. Fire pit with some supplied wood.
Phone: 0429 012 445

Copley Caravan & Cabin Park
Caravan Park with Cabins
Phone: (08) 8675 2288
Email: copley.caravanpark@activ8.net.au

Leigh Creek Stays
This Holiday Home is an ideal place to stay, use it as a base while visiting other attractions in the area.
Available for private and company single or group bookings.
Phone: 0428 134 311
Website: http://leighcreekstays.com.au

Lyndhurst Hotel
Campground, Meals and Beer
3 Short Street, Lyndhurst SA 5731
Phone: (08) 8675 7781

Copley Pub
AKA Leigh Creek Hotel - Hotel rooms
Phone: (08) 8675 2694

Farina Station
Kevin and Anne Dawes
Farina Station
via Lyndhurst, SA 5731
Phone/Fax: (08) 8675 7790
Bookings are not required for the campgrounds, though for tours we welcome (and may require) bookings.